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Retrieve the user's email on the frontend
With the backend setup we can modify our frontend to retrieve the user's email from Supabase.
// pages/index.tsx
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
import Head from 'next/head'
import { SessionAuth, useSessionContext } from 'supertokens-auth-react/recipe/session'
// take a look at the Creating Supabase Client section to see how to define getSupabase
let getSupabase: any;
export default function Home() {
return (
// We will wrap the ProtectedPage component with the SessionAuth so only an
// authenticated user can access it.
<ProtectedPage />
function ProtectedPage() {
// retrieve the authenticated user's accessTokenPayload and userId from the sessionContext
const session = useSessionContext()
const [userEmail, setEmail] = useState('')
useEffect(() => {
async function getUserEmail() {
if (session.loading) {
// retrieve the supabase client who's JWT contains users userId, this will be
// used by supabase to check that the user can only access table entries which contain their own userId
const supabase = getSupabase(session.accessTokenPayload.supabase_token)
// retrieve the user's name from the users table whose email matches the email in the JWT
const { data } = await supabase.from('users').select('email').eq('user_id', session.userId)
if (data.length > 0) {
}, [session])
if (session.loading) {
return null;
return (
<title>SuperTokens 💫</title>
<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
You are authenticated with SuperTokens! (UserId: {session.userId})
<br />
Your email retrieved from Supabase: {userEmail}
As seen above we will fetch the access token payload from SuperTokens to retrieve the authenticated user's Supabase access token which can be used to fetch the user's email from Supabase.